Well, we've survived week #2 with 3 kiddos...or should I say I? James worked a lot of overtime this week as Open Door Mission has been collecting, sorting, and bagging Christmas presents for the Omaha and Council Bluffs communities. So, I played single mom most nights. I give a lot of extra credit to single moms everywhere! We're all doing well. Benjamin had his last week of preschool for 2009. Nate, Josie and I were able to stay on Thursday as the classroom helpers. It was loads of fun! Nathaniel is pushing through his first set of molars--all 4 at once! Josie is already so different. She is a very easy-going baby, unless she's hungry ;)
Enjoy these photos!

Nate and Ben snuggling at nap time

My sleeping beauty!

Nate snuggling Josie's giraffey-a gift from Brookside church!

Josie already loves doing the laundry! The dryer put her right to sleep!

Nathaniel after eating spaghetti for dinner!

Ben didn't want the spaghetti, but he sure did love the salad in this bowl!
Josie is now 2 weeks old! She's blowing you all kisses :)
Josie is now starting to fit into 0-3 month clothing!
I think she's done with the photo sesssion!
Benjamin loves snuggling Josie---she looks like she is snuggling into Ben too!
All our love!
love the pitures. thanks for blogging! I haven't done one ince Soleil was born. I'm super impressed. I'll keep using "I have dial-up" as my excuse. :-) Love ya, Congrats! Aletha B
thanks for all your wonderful pictures and your faithfulness in keeping your blog up to date. I love reading it and feeling in touch with all your life and events.
Love you all,
did you know i love your kids??? i love your kids (: merry christmas ben, nate, josie, and of course you patti and james! God's love and many blessings!
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