Monday, December 14, 2009

Our first week home

Its been a very busy week, but its been a great one. We said "Je t'aime" to Papa and Lala before they left for Kansas City on Monday. James and Nina had Tuesday off from work so that we could continue to adjust to life with 3 little ones!

Josie had her first pediatrician's appointment on Tuesday morning. She had already gained an ounce from her hospital discharge weight! 9 lbs. 4 3/4 oz! My girl is a great eater, thank you Jesus! Dr. Arispe said she looks wonderful! Her bilirubin count was a little elevated so he wanted to check her out again on Wednesday. We had a ton of snow between Tuesday and Wednesday, so Dr. Arispe sent us to Methodist Hospital to have her blood drawn. Her levels were already down, so we didn't need the phototherapy lights! Praise God!

Nina took the rest of the week off and helped me tremendously! She played with the boys each day and helped do some cleaning (like under the couches) that was long overdue! Honestly, I think the boys are bored with just me now ;)

Benjamin has grown into having a sister. I was unsure with the reactions that he had at the hospital, but I think it was just because we were in such a strange environment. Ben loves to help burp Josie after her feedings and has even helped wipe her bum at diaper time!

Nathaniel loves touching Josie's face and pointing out her eyes and nose. He'll then point to his! He has already tried sharing his plastic wrench with her and has even tried to snuggle her in her carseat!

Enjoy the pictures with all of our love!

Ben snuggling Josie after coming home from the hospital!

Josie snuggling on the quilt Aunt Carolyn made her on her first day home from the hospital

Benjamin sharing Snuggle Bear with Josie

Nathaniel giving Josie a snuggle

Grandma Nina singing to Josie to help soothe her

Josie watching with open eyes as Nina sings her a song

Benjamin helping to change a diaper!

Josephine Lily Beth, 1 week old...changing so fast!

Such a sweet face--although not too happy to be posing for photos

Snuggling on the Boppy with the new cover from Grandma JoJo and Uncle David

Still has the best chubby cheeks!

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