Sunday, October 21, 2007
Cousin What's His Name
All my love,
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Happy Birthday to ME!!!!
If you check out my dropshots page, there is the video of Mama and Daddy singing to me.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Celebrate Oklahoma
Yesterday Mama, Daddy, and I met friends downtown to watch the Centennial Parade. Oklahoma is 100 years old, that is really old because I will be only 1 this coming Saturday. I can't wait. Well I want to show you some of the great things I got to see today
Daddy and I waiting for the parade to start
This is one of the many starts at the beginning of the parade
They even had people dressed up dancing. They had pretty costumes.
We got to see a train. I want a train set when I grow up.
We even got to see old fashion tractors. My uncle Ronald would have loved them
We got to see "Horton" from Dr. Seuss. The Cat in the Hat was there to but we did not get a good picture of him.
Well that is all the pictures for today. I hope you all had a great Sunday.
Love, Benjamin
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Chester's Party Barn
Welcome to Chester's Party Barn
Playing with the pumpkins
Feeding the goat with Daddy
Petting the miniature horsies with Daddy
In the saddle and loving it
Posing amongst the pumpkins and straw
This silly sign was near the restrooms. It says, "Outhouse (That's restroom for city folk)" I think my Auntie Lori will like this because she likes silly signs!
Well, that was my wonderful afternoon. What did you get to do today?
All my love
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Family Day
This afternoon we went for a fun day out on the town. The best thing was shopping for my birthday party supplies! The party store was a pretty neat place. :) Although they had a lot of scary looking things for halloween. :(
Mama thought I was a very silly boy today because I found a wrapped bar of soap and started chewing on it! Mama said I hadn't done anything that deserved my mouth needing cleaned out with soap, but that it was funny anyway!
Well, its my bedtime. I hope all is well!
All my love,
Monday, October 8, 2007
Gooo Biiig Reeed!
Daddy, Mama and I were in the Husker spirit on Saturday for the Nebraska Cornhusker football game. Daddy even let me wear his jersey and hat. Hopefully one day I'll fit into them properly ;)
I have also discovered head stands. I like to do them quite often! My favorite thing to do when standing on my head is play peek-a-boo with Mama!
I hope that you had a great weekend just like I did!
All my love,
Thursday, October 4, 2007
We're back.....
Today was a great day! Daddy took this morning off from work to spend some extra time with Mama and me. He left this afternoon to go an hour north of OKC with his staff for a staff retreat. He'll be back tomorrow around dinner time.
Mama had a dentist appointment this afternoon so I got to have a playdate with Ms. Heather and Ainsley at Ainsley's house! I had so much fun! Ainsley has some really fun toys and she shared them with me. Ms. Heather said that I was a really good boy. I didn't even cry when Mama gave me a hug and kiss goodbye!
When Mama and I got home tonight, there was a notice on our door to go to the apartment office to pick up a package....yippee! Mama knew exactly what it was. Our new camera! She was really excited to start taking pictures of me again. In fact, she took 52 pictures! Can you believe that?!?! Here are a few of them...
Giving Tad a kiss and hug.
Look at my big blue tongue!
I'm so happy that you looked at my blog!
All my love,
P.S. I have updated the shoes and haircut blog postings with their appropriate pictures. Although they weren't taken on the actual days, I thought it would be fun to post those pictures with their stories! Enjoy!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Blast Off!!!
Mama and I played most of the day. It was a pretty warm day out, so we stayed in for the afternoon.
Tomorrow I get to spend an hour or so with my friend Ainsley at her house! Mama has a dentist appointment so Ms. Heather is going to watch me! Ainsley's house is fun-she has new toys!
All my love,