I have also come to LOVE goldfish. If Mama puts more than one in front of me, I try to put them all in my mouth at once! I'm such a silly boy! Well Mama caught me saving one of the fish she gave me for later! Can you see where I hid it?
My friend Ainsley came for a visit on Monday and played games with me for a couple of hours while her Mommy taught fitness classes at the mall. We had a fun time and we got along even better than the week before! Mama had Bible study tonight so Daddy and I had a guy's night. He taught me how to do a pile-driver! I don't quite get it yet, but one day I'll have my moves perfected!
This morning Mama and I took Daddy to work before heading to Lake Hefner for our Baby Boot Camp class. We came home and started playing. Mama was working on something in the kitchen so I decided to join her. To her surprise, I started licking the wall! It reminded her of the movie Willa Wonka and the lickable wallpaper! She went to get her camera and when she came back, I stopped! A few minuted later though, I started licking the dishwasher! I love being silly!
Well, Mama and I need to get going; its time to pick up Daddy from work!
All my love,
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