I haven't played with him in the pool yet, but I'm hoping to this weekend! My Grandma Nina is coming for a visit and I know she'll take me swimming! I am anxious for her arrival.
All my love,
I haven't played with him in the pool yet, but I'm hoping to this weekend! My Grandma Nina is coming for a visit and I know she'll take me swimming! I am anxious for her arrival.
All my love,
My friend Ainsley came for a visit on Monday and played games with me for a couple of hours while her Mommy taught fitness classes at the mall. We had a fun time and we got along even better than the week before! Mama had Bible study tonight so Daddy and I had a guy's night. He taught me how to do a pile-driver! I don't quite get it yet, but one day I'll have my moves perfected!
This morning Mama and I took Daddy to work before heading to Lake Hefner for our Baby Boot Camp class. We came home and started playing. Mama was working on something in the kitchen so I decided to join her. To her surprise, I started licking the wall! It reminded her of the movie Willa Wonka and the lickable wallpaper! She went to get her camera and when she came back, I stopped! A few minuted later though, I started licking the dishwasher! I love being silly!
Well, Mama and I need to get going; its time to pick up Daddy from work!
All my love,
This afternoon I re-discovered my fishy swing. Mama said that I'm too big to play in it, but she let me anyway since she was sitting right by my side.
The next exciting thing that happened this afternoon was a knock on the front door. Now this is a rare occurance at our house (except on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings now). Mama and I went to answer the door to discover the UPS man with a package for us! Yippee! We had fun opening the box but even more fun discovering what packing peanuts are! Inside the box there was a set of ceramic coasters and a ceramic coaster holder that Mama and I made in June when we went to Washington to visit. Here's what they look like...
Mama also put up a new bookshelf in my room! Now I have room to keep all of my books in one spot!
I've been drooling a lot more, my top teeth are pushed through a little bit! They don't quite show enough for a picture, but just ask Mama, they're there!
All my love,
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Leave me a comment whether you think its time for me to get my first haircut or not. Mama and Daddy can't decide if they would like my hair to be shorter or if they would like to let it grow out a bit more to see how curly it is.
Mama is going to take as many pictures as she can. Unfortunately our family camera is on the fritz....so she's not sure how many she'll get. Keep checking though just in case she catches a good snapshot!
All my love,