As promised, here is the rest of January's pictures...
I came home from work one Sunday afternoon to find all of my boys passed out on the couch! They were so snuggly I just had to take a picture!
This was Nathaniel's first time trying spinich. It was a hit! Although it looks like a neon nuclear spill happened on his sweet cheeks!
It is hard to see, but Benjamin has his cute little eyes peering through the hole in Nathaniel's high chair, just above Nate's head! Benjamin's favorite game lately is peek-a-boo!
Benjamin and I have started a new game with beans! I opened up a few bags of dried beans one day, put them in a bowl with a few measuring cups and scoops and let him have at it! It has been the best activity on some of our days!
Showing his scooping techniques!
Nathaniel's new found love....his socks!
Benjamin has this picture posted on the top of his bookshelf right next to his bed. He looks at it at least once a day. It is Santa, Nathaniel, Preston and Benjamin.
Do I have a music man on my hands? Our friend Lyla has this gorgeous piano at her house!
Benjamin sacked out in his twin sized bed! He has done so well adjusting to his new big boy bed!
Nathaniel and Grandma JoJo
Nathaniel, Grandma JoJo and Benjamin posing for a quick picture.
Last Saturday was in the mid-50's here. It was perfect weather for an afternoon at the park! Benjamin was so excited to get out of the house--frankly, so was I!
Nathaniel on the other hand, was not so thrilled! In fact, he fell asleep while Ben and I played!
Benjamin climbing the big boy ladder. He was not up for this adventure last summer!
At the top of the tube slide..... the bottom of the tube slide! Last summer this was not something Benjamin wanted to try either!
Again, another new adventure. This twisty slide is quite fast and tall.....Benjamin's first time!
There was a lovely puddle of water and sand at the bottom of the twisty slide.....good thing I had a pair of extra pants in the car!
Daddy stopped by the park after his speaking engagement for the mission. He climbed on to the playground with Ben for a few pictures and playtime.
There was a flock of geese that Benjamin started chasing.....they were high in the sky though, so he came back quickly.