We had a blast today with our friends Lindsey, Lyla, Evie and our newest friend Brian. We all headed out to the Roca Berry Farm just south of Lincoln. We spent about an hour and a half picking berries. Mr. Brian did most of the work for us. The kiddos just wanted to run and play-which was great, they got all of their squirmies out :) Here are some of my favorite shots!!


Sitting pretty amongst the berries


So sweet!


Nate's favorite spot of the day!

Strawberry fields

Ben and Lyla played a lot of chase through the fields

Red faced and loving it!

Told you it was Nate's favorite spot!

Look at all the strawberry juice on his pants! He ate A LOT of strawberries!

Playing chase

Lyla hiding from Ben

Ben hiding from Lyla

Nate showing his strawberry

Nate's 2nd favorite spot (although it looks the same, it was a different spot!)

Nate amongst the berry rows

Can you see how stained Nate's skin is?!?

A clear Nebraska day!

I love how the blue sky looked as a backdrop to the berry fields!

Ben, Nate and Josie posing at the end of the day!
All our love,
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