Well, I did great for the first few weeks of Josie's life....now I'm behind. Here is a brief update of the past few weeks that you've missed......

Daddy and the boy's at Ben's preschool for our family picnic day!

Nate was the brave one and touched the alligator!

Ben liked this fox (I can't remember its actual name!)

I think Nate's next souvenir from Silver Dollar City is going to need to be his own conductor hat....I know I'm his mother, but could he be any cuter!?!?!

Ben loves "his baby". He is a VERY good big brother!

Josie's one-sie says it all! Cute!!!

I found these sweet little bows for Josie's hair. She really doesn't look impressed here.....

Nate has *the* best "cheese" face!

Ben has *the* best "cheese" face!
I love the succession of these next photos! Its great to see my kids smiling together! They're the best!

Although they're not all looking at the camera, this is my favorite of the 3 of them together thus far!

Nathaniel looks like he is in pain, but this is his "cheese" face while doing "di, di, di" (dip-ketchup)

Nate and Preston having a good time pushing Ben in the basket!

Preston pushing Ben in the basket....role reversal from April 2008...

When Ben pushed Preston in the same basket!

Josie and her "princess pinkie"

Josie and Nina snuggling!

Seriously...I can't get over his cheese face! Anyway, Ben does think Nate is super cool....just look at the shirt! ;)

Wouldn't it be great to sleep like this?

These pictures are from our Family Date Night at preschool this week. We had a "snowball" fight, colored mittens, put together puzzles, decorated cookies and had a great time spending time together doing such fun activities!
Well, I am going to do my best to keep up from here on out...no promises, but I will make an effort!
We love you all!
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