Saturday, March 3, 2007

Family Portraits

Hi Everyone,

We're finally back online. Mama and Daddy took me to have my first professional photos taken last night. I had lots of fun and Mama and Daddy have lots of pictures to show for it. Here are a couple of my favorites

Mama and Daddy kept giving me lots of kisses and I just wanted to get down and play!

Don't I look so serious!?!?

I tried giving Mama a kiss back, but I missed and got the air instead!

Daddy and I love to snuggle.

Am I handsome or what?

I love my fingers--they're the best food ;)

Well, there they are. I hope you enjoy my pictures. I am sorry that I haven't posted lately. I'll make sure that I try to keep up from now on. I love you!

  • Benjamin

Friday, March 2, 2007

So much fun

I've been having so much fun with Mama, Daddy, Papa and Grandma that I haven't had much time for writing my blog--not to mention the internet hasn't been connected yet at our new house. We're definitely getting settled though. Mama and Daddy finished decorating my bedroom last night. I love it! The only room left to finish is their bedroom. I know Mama and Daddy are hoping to finish that up this weekend.

We had a blizzard yesterday! It was fun to stay in and snuggle everyone while playing games and reading books. We got about 13 inches of snow--along with the very blustery wind and slick ice.

I'm getting closer each day to finally rolling from my back to my belly. Mama keeps asking me to wait to finally roll over when both her and Daddy are around. I know they both want to share in my big boy moment. I also am starting to sit up on my own. I sat on Mama's lap last night without her holding me and then again when Grandma was playing with me on the floor. Its been a busy week!

Mama has been taking lots of pictures, but she'll have to post them later--we're off to play some more.

Love you lots!