Saturday, April 17, 2010

Teddy Bear Weekend

Well, the kiddos and I headed to the zoo today. It is Teddy Bear Weekend so off we went with Snuggle Bear and Giraffee in tow. We ended up staying for 2 1/2 hours and had a great time together! Here are some pictures from our day!



Giraffee getting weighed

Bear's turn on the scale

Bear getting measured

Flu shots to stay healthy

Both Bear and Giraffee were very brave getting their shots

Bear had an ear check up

Nate and Josie

Bear getting an x-ray

Bear's heartbeat

Giraffee's heartbeat

Ben listening closely as he was told that Snuggle Bear would need surgery

The nurse talking to Ben about Bear's surgery

Giraffee getting a bath

Josie holding her bee

Snuggle Bear being taken to surgery


Ben and Nate watching the gorilla

Gorilla taking a nap

Snuggle Bear's smile is fixed and we're happy he made it through surgery successfully

Friday, April 16, 2010

Happy Birthday James

Well-I think James had a great birthday! I sure had fun inviting our friends and family out to dinner on his behalf as well as ordering an amazing birthday cake for him! Here are some photos to recount our evening!

How could I not get him a hockey themed cake? Check out and order one of Tiffani's cakes! SO delicious!

Nina laughing at something while holding Josie!

John and Lyla! Lyla and Ben had a great time running circles around the table! I don't know about Lyla--but Ben went to bed really easily tonight!

James eating, TJ sticking his tongue out and Misty laughing!

Dave and Tammy Schill

Amy Buss--apparently something was appalling?

Singing Happy Birthday

Blowing out the candle

Chocolate cake with espresso infused buttercream and heathbar candybar sprinkled on the buttercream. Wow! Delish!

Kayla and Nate!

All our love!

Josie smiles...

...when she wears comfy diapers!

She and I especially love our Monkey Snuggles diapers!

Josie is all smiles!

Josie was talking. I think she was saying, "Mama, you need to get me more Monkey Snuggle diapers!"

How could I not get her more? Look how cute her bunz look in these!!!

Top to Bottom Baby Boutique in Omaha sells these Monkey Snuggle diapers! You should click the heart above and check them out! I can't wait until they feature Monkey Snuggle diapers as their product of the week so that I can stock up on more cute diapers!

All our love!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Josie's 4 month checkup

Waiting in the lobby

The all-famous glove balloon

Waiting around

My cutie pie

Nate and Josie snuggling before getting checked out.

Josie is 17 lbs. 11 1/4 oz and 25 1/2 in. long! She is "above average" but the dr. said she is a healthy little gal! No solid food yet. He said since she is doing so well with just nursing, we'll wait until 6 months for solid food :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!

We had a great day today celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Enjoy celebrating with us through pictures!!

All our love!