Well, we braved Vala's today! It was perfect! Nate and I came home with a little sun on our noses too! We had fun with our friends John, Lindsey, Lyla and Evie-Michelle, Ryland and Korina too! We had fun visiting Bunnyville, riding the choo-choo train, playing in the corn sandbox, jumping on the pumpkin pillows, riding the hayride to the patch and picking out our very own pumpkins! Enjoy the pics :)

Nate eating yogurt and watching toons before heading to the patch

Ben watching toons and snuggling on the couch

Ben and Lyla looking for bunnies

Ben peeking over the fence

Ben the conductor of the Vala's Pumpkin Express

Ben holding on tight before the train started moving

Nate looking forward to the train ride

Ben, Mama and Nate riding the train. Despite the lack of smiles, we had a great time!

Nate playing in the corn sandbox...no sand, just corn. It was fun!

Ben starting to make a "corn angel" in the corn sandbox

Making his corn angel

Ben waving to the train passing by

At the top of the pumpkin pillow

Running down the pumpkin pillow!

Nate didn't like the pumpkin pillow, but the sand around it!

Benjamin being a gentleman and helping Lyla walk the beam. I'm so proud!

Nate, Mama and Ben trying to find the perfect pumpkins! Mama already has two perfect pumpkins and can't wait for the 3rd to arrive ;)

Ben thought this one was good...but then he said it was too heavy!

Inspecting the heavy pumpkin

Nate was having a good time with our final picks!

Benjamin amongst the pumpkins

On our way out with our loot!