It was a success! Benjamin was all smiles this morning as we woke up slowly and got ready for school! He was eager to pull his own backpack without any help--but wanted snuggle bear to come along too! It was a great day watching him grow up, but still want to be Mama's boy! Mrs. B. invited us to stay for storytime this morning. "The Kissing Hand" by Audrey Penn was perfect, although it brought tears to my eyes! After the story, it was time to stay goodbye. It was a hard leave for both Ben and me! But Mrs. B was a great snuggler! I stuck around in the hallway a whole minute to listen to Benjamin go from crying to playing! Thank you Jesus! Benjamin was nothing but smiles and stories when Nathaniel and I went to pick him up! Mrs. B said that he calmed down quickly and got to be her special snack helper today. Benjamin picked pretzels as today's snack! He got to play dress-up as a fireman, play on the outside playground, and learned how to say criss-cross applesauce! Mrs. B said that Benjamin was the only student who wanted to give her a snuggle all day--she called him her lovebug! Here are some pictures to document the fun day!

Before leaving home

Backpack and friends ready to go!

Looking at all the kids coming in! Nate was happy!

Ben's happy too!

In the classroom---reality starting to set in

Finding his name on the apple tree

Found it!

Saying morning prayers before Mrs. B reads the story

Playing on the playground!

Mrs. B calling the kids in

waiting patiently for Mama and Nate

The priceless face of a two year old who has been waiting for his Mama!

Enjoyed the day, but ready to go home!

Preschool wiped Ben out....