Wednesday, August 20, 2008

2 weeks old

Brother turns two weeks old tomorrow! It is hard to believe he's so big already!

Brother also had his first bath tonight since being home from the hospital. He wasn't a big fan of it!

Brother's hair was sticking straight up after it dried from his bath!

Tonight I decided to be extra silly and ride my moose without any clothes on!

All our love,

Benjamin and Nathaniel

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Brother's Turn

Brother had his first turn on the moose today! I got in the shot with him :)

Mama says he's too small to go fast, but one day he'll be big like me and then I can show him how to go fast!

All our love,

Benjamin and Nathaniel

Monday, August 18, 2008

Rock the Moose!

This morning we woke up and were eating breakfast when the doorbell rang. It was the UPS man (I love it when he comes!) He brought us the neatest gift...a rocking moose!

Our Maine Family, the Sangsters, sent this moose to Nathaniel and I to say "Welcome Nathaniel"! It is a super fun moose!

Mama and Daddy found me like this last night. They couldn't believe that I either fell out or climbed out of bed and moved myself under my bed for my sleep! I'm so silly!

All our love,
Benjamin and Nathaniel

Thursday, August 14, 2008

One Week Old

Nathaniel turned one week old today! He is such a big boy!

Tonight for dinner we had a picnic at the water park. We invited my friend Sierra to come along with us! It was a lot of fun running through the water and getting messy in the sand!

All our love,

Benjamin and Nathaniel

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Grandma JoJo

Today Nathan and I got to visit our Great Grandma JoJo. I love going to her house. I get to ride Jimmy the pony, take a walk with JoJo and our matching canes, and I get to play with Uncle David's kitty cat!

Tonight Mama and I decided Nathan's hair needed to be washed. Mama let me help doing the scrubber brush!

I love my brother Nathan!

All our love,
Benjamin and Nathaniel

Monday, August 11, 2008

Helping Out

Mommy says that this blog is now for both Nathaniel and I. But since brother is so small, I'm going to keep writing it!

Mommy and Daddy also tell me that I'm such a big helper! I like helping get brother in his swing

I also like to help brush brother's hair

One thing that I can't help out with, is brother's light treatment. He has jaundice, but Mommy and Daddy say that his lights will help him to feel better!

All our love,

Benjamin and Nathaniel

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Nathaniel James Earl

A few hours old

Mama, Daddy and Nathaniel

Snuggling Daddy

Meeting Benjamin for the first time

Benjamin checking me out

So cute!

Already found my thumb

Best Buddies

Kisses from Benjamin


First family of 4 picture

Snuggling Daddy and Benjamin

Snuggling Mama

Ready for my first car ride

Home and settled

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Playing at the Park

Deciding which part of the playground to play on

Driving the car

Mama uploaded new videos of me on my video blog

Monday, August 4, 2008

Community Night Out

Tonight, Mama, Daddy, Nina and I went to Ralston's Community Night Out. It was a lot of fun! I got to see a fire truck and even sit in the driver's seat! I also got sprayed by the sprinklers, played some carnival games, and had an ice cream cone!
Daddy and I in front of the firetruck

Family picture

Driving the fire truck all by myself!

Playing carnival games with Mama

My ice cream was so good, the chocolate stuck to my chin!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Playing games with Daddy

Riding my elephant pillow across the kitchen floor

Snuggling Daddy for a picture

Saturday, August 2, 2008

I love my baby brother!

I give him hugs...

...and kisses

Friday, August 1, 2008