Saturday, January 12, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year to all my friends and family. We're back and blogging! Its been a busy year so far. I've been able to play with my toys from Christmas, start going to Bible Study with Mommy on Tuesdays, and sometimes we have playdates with our friends at their houses. Here are a few pictures to catch you up.

Having fun at Grandma Nina's house.

Squinting my of my new favorite things to do!

Mommy and Daddy told me I am going to be a big brother! My baby is due August 19th. They already put a picture in my family photo album!

I'm already learning to put on my shoes. I even put them on the correct feet!

My Great-Great Uncle Jimmy made this rocking horse. I love to play on it when I visit my Great-Grandma Jo's house.

My Great-Uncle Chris and Great-Aunt Sally gave me this Elmo for Christmas. I've loved snuggling him since he came to my house!

I loved getting into a little mischief under the Christmas tree.

I got a lot of really great books for Christmas. This one is all about my sight!

Speaking of sight, I got a black eye on Christmas Day! Ouch!

This is our holiday family photo. Mama was going to put it in a Christmas letter, but she never got around to it.

I love to blow kisses.....from our house

to yours. We love you!

All my love,