Saturday, February 27, 2010

We are a circus....

...most days...but today we got to GO to the circus! Check us out!

We love you!

Our God is a GREAT BIG God

and He holds us in His hands!!!

Check out Ben and his class singing during chapel here.

We love you!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Josie and Mama head to Washington!

Here are some photo highlights from our trip!

Meeting Papa Tom

Young and Not-so-Young

Playing before heading to Grandpa Irv's house

Josie loves kisses from Papa Tom

Grandpa Irv's mountain, Mt. Rainier

Dad, Patricia and Chris

Mike and Dad

The Boys! Dad, Grandpa Irv, Chris and Mike

Josie loved talking to Chris!

Smiling at Grandpa Irv

Four generation picture

Papa Tom and Josie

Snuggling Grandpa Irv before saying our good-byes

Friday, February 19, 2010

Too cute!

While I was packing my suitcase today, Nate and Ben were entertaining themselves with wipe packages. Here is a picture

and here is a video!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Blog Giveaway!

Visit Jessica's blog and enter her giveaway! This etsy seller has some beautiful & cute hats!

I hope I win!


Monday, February 15, 2010

Nate and Josie

Here are a few pics of Nate and Josie...enjoy!

Nate apparently found the wipes warmer container to be a comfy pillow to snuggle with underneath Josie's crib!

My big boy trying to use the big boy potty!

Taking after his Daddy and Big Brother!

Snoozin'... the laundry basket!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

We went to visit Grandma JoJo and Uncle David today. Here are a few pictures from our day!

Uncle David made this car for all the kids who come to visit to play in. The boys played for at least 45 minutes having a blast!

Four generation picture!

Benjamin helping Uncle David fix the kiddie rocking chair.

Grandma JoJo and Sissy Jo smiling at each other!

All our love!

Catching up...

Well, I did great for the first few weeks of Josie's I'm behind. Here is a brief update of the past few weeks that you've missed......

Daddy and the boy's at Ben's preschool for our family picnic day!

Nate was the brave one and touched the alligator!

Ben liked this fox (I can't remember its actual name!)

I think Nate's next souvenir from Silver Dollar City is going to need to be his own conductor hat....I know I'm his mother, but could he be any cuter!?!?!

Ben loves "his baby". He is a VERY good big brother!

Josie's one-sie says it all! Cute!!!

I found these sweet little bows for Josie's hair. She really doesn't look impressed here.....

Nate has *the* best "cheese" face!

Ben has *the* best "cheese" face!

I love the succession of these next photos! Its great to see my kids smiling together! They're the best!

Although they're not all looking at the camera, this is my favorite of the 3 of them together thus far!

Nathaniel looks like he is in pain, but this is his "cheese" face while doing "di, di, di" (dip-ketchup)

Nate and Preston having a good time pushing Ben in the basket!

Preston pushing Ben in the basket....role reversal from April 2008...

When Ben pushed Preston in the same basket!

Josie and her "princess pinkie"

Josie and Nina snuggling!

Seriously...I can't get over his cheese face! Anyway, Ben does think Nate is super cool....just look at the shirt! ;)

Wouldn't it be great to sleep like this?

These pictures are from our Family Date Night at preschool this week. We had a "snowball" fight, colored mittens, put together puzzles, decorated cookies and had a great time spending time together doing such fun activities!

Well, I am going to do my best to keep up from here on promises, but I will make an effort!
We love you all!